Changing the face of healthcare in a Los Angeles community
Exclusive Insight into Industry Strategies and Trends Email(Required) Email This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Industry Healthcare Services Public & media relations Thought leadership Special events Marketing & brand development South Bay Independent Physicians Medical Group, Inc., (SBIP) a physician owned, preferred provider organization wanted to raise its visibility within… Continue reading Changing the face of healthcare in a Los Angeles community
- Healthcare
- Public & media relations
- Thought leadership
- Special events
- Marketing & brand development
South Bay Independent Physicians Medical Group, Inc., (SBIP) a physician owned, preferred provider organization wanted to raise its visibility within the South Bay community and build credibility within the local medical industry.
The Challenge
THO’s challenge was to establish and entrench South Bay Independent Physicians Group within the community as not only a go-to doctor’s group for patients, but a resource of local medical importance.
The Solution
The first step was crucial; THO needed to create awareness surrounding the importance of the organization within its existing membership. THO developed a monthly newsletter detailing the PPO’s success on behalf of its physicians. The newsletter reached and engaged the existing member base continually, keeping SBIP top-of-mind.
To promote SBIP within the community, THO planned a series of annual healthcare symposiums, presenting major line-ups of political and healthcare experts from around the country. The success of the annual symposiums generated other community events which also grew quite successful, like the annual “Pop ‘n Doc” walk, a Muscular Dystrophy fundraiser which was designed to link the community with the local physicians.
Marketing materials were developed, and a comprehensive media relations campaign completed the program. These components provided SBIP visibility within the medical arena, in addition to the general South Bay community.
Between the success of the yearly healthcare symposium events and the other community events that arose organically due to these interactions, SBIP grew their membership, community credibility and overall visibility. Attendance at the annual healthcare symposiums increased an average of 20 percent each year. The sixth annual symposium had over 200 attendees and included administrators from every local hospital, along with local politicians and community members. Likewise, the first “Pop ‘n Doc” event attracted more than 700 people, accomplishing THO’s goal of providing a forum for physician-community interaction on a personal level while enhancing the cohesiveness of the actual group.
A strategic and comprehensive media relations program which engages not only the client, but its surrounding community is often the best, quickest way to build brand visibility, client credibility and necessity. THO took a three-pronged approach to developing SBIP’s reputation as a viable “go-to” physician group in the Los Angeles community.