Publice Relations Strategies for Architecture and Design - Public Relations - The Hoyt Organization

2021: Developing Winning PR Strategies for Architecture and Design Firms

In the current environment, architectural and design firms continue to invest in communications programs, but many are seeking to maximize and streamline that investment for speed and effectiveness.  The big questions: How can more be done with less? How can investment pay off faster? A strong public relations program that combines media, social media and… Continue reading 2021: Developing Winning PR Strategies for Architecture and Design Firms

5 Healthcare Public Relations Best Practices - The Hoyt Organization

5 Healthcare Public Relations Best Practices

Any successful healthcare public relations campaign aims to get a company’s name in front of its relevant public. This can prove challenging if the content isn’t necessarily newsworthy on its own.  Here are five healthcare public relations best practices that will help build the foundation to achieve strategic communications results in the health tech industry. … Continue reading 5 Healthcare Public Relations Best Practices

The Five Crises to Watch for in 2021 - Public Relations - Marketing - The Hoyt Organization

The Five Crises to Watch for in 2021

By Michelle Lyng – Novitas Communications There are five crises to watch for in 2021. It goes without saying that 2020 was a year we’d all rather forget. While the vaccine proliferation in many parts of the world offers a light at the end of the COVID tunnel, public relations professionals should keep five potential crises… Continue reading The Five Crises to Watch for in 2021

Why Schools Need Public Relations- Los Angeles Public Relations - The Hoyt Organization

Why Schools Need Public Relations

Academic institutions and schools have gone through one of the most tremendous shifts in history in 2020. Teaching has moved into another dimension with virtual teaching hampering traditional learning techniques. Is it effective? What are schools doing to make sure their ‘client’ – the students, teachers, parents – are still learning and achieving grade and… Continue reading Why Schools Need Public Relations

PR Tips for Tech Companies - Los Angles Public Relations - The Hoyt Organization

PR Tips for Tech Companies Entering The Automotive Market

By Mariusz Pleban – OneMulti  For starters, here’s one piece of useful information: the automotive PR industry is now very similar to the technology PR industry. This is because cars have become devices and drivers have become more of a user. Sounds familiar, right? I used to work for a tire company and now I work for a… Continue reading PR Tips for Tech Companies Entering The Automotive Market

Six Reasons Why Sustainability Matters for all Companies - Los Angeles Public Relations -The Hoyt Organization

Six Reasons Why Sustainability Matters for all Companies – and Two Common Mistakes They Should Avoid

By Michael Diegelmann and Justus Fischer – cometis AG  Sustainability Matters: People are aware of global challenges like climate change, pollution and social inequality, and they discuss them and ask for solutions. It is clear that companies have a major impact on social and ecological issues, so the pressure on them to operate sustainably is increasing accordingly.… Continue reading Six Reasons Why Sustainability Matters for all Companies – and Two Common Mistakes They Should Avoid

2020- The Year of Crisis - Crisis Management Public Relations -The Hoyt Organization

2020 – The Year of Crisis

By Philip Hauserman – The Castle Group What a year.  2020 might as well have been “the year of crisis.” Or maybe it was just one big 365-day crisis. It certainly felt like it, as The Castle Group’s crisis communications practice managed more than 100 crises for 57 clients in 19 states and two countries. Crisis communications… Continue reading 2020 – The Year of Crisis

How To Prepare Your Company For A Crisis

When the fire first started, it was a small incident confined to the 27th floor of the high-rise building. By the time the fire department was finished, the entire building had been damaged, and the evening news reported that the building was closed. What would you do if this were your business? For most businesses,… Continue reading How To Prepare Your Company For A Crisis


How PR Will Absorb the Social Sphere in the 2020s

By Natalie Ghidotti – Ghidotti  Let this sink in for a moment. Facebook launched in 2004. Twitter became a word in 2006. Instagram? 2010. In roughly the time it takes to conceive a child and see them get a drivers’ license, the innovation of social media disrupted, overwhelmed, inspired and challenged public relations professionals around the… Continue reading How PR Will Absorb the Social Sphere in the 2020s

Companies Should Invest into PR and Digital in 2021 - Los Angeles Public Relations - The Hoyt Organization

Companies Should Invest into PR & Digital in 2021 and Beyond

By C.L. Conroy – The Conroy Martinez Group As we look forward to this new year of 2021, what do companies need to do to move their brand forward and increase the bottom line. As members of the Public Relations Global Network (PRGN), we are all given this challenge by our clients regularly. Of course,… Continue reading Companies Should Invest into PR & Digital in 2021 and Beyond

Effective PR Strategies for Non-profit Organizations - Nonprofit Public Relations -The Hoyt Organization

Ten Effective PR Strategies for Non-Profit Organizations in 2024

Nonprofit organizations play a crucial role in building healthy communities by providing helpful services. With many nonprofits supporting the most vulnerable during this pandemic, planning effective public relations and marketing strategies will get the attention of the right audience, and build donor awareness. Given there are more than one million nonprofit organizations in the United… Continue reading Ten Effective PR Strategies for Non-Profit Organizations in 2024

Financial Services PR - Financial Services Public Relations -The Hoyt Organization

What Is Financial Services PR and Why Is It Important?

The financial services industry covers a broad range of businesses that include insurance, money management and digital banking. Financial services public relations help build businesses’ financial reputation. For instance, financial services PR can announce your company’s performance and showcases relationships with investors. PR is essential to bring credibility to your audience and improve a brand’s… Continue reading What Is Financial Services PR and Why Is It Important?

How to Leverage Your Twitter Business Account - Social Media -The Hoyt Organization

Social Media Series: How to Leverage Your Twitter Business Account

Are you feeling frustrated or uninspired with your organization’s activity on Twitter? This fast-paced, ever-changing platform can be tough to get the hang of, but by elevating your strategy, Twitter presence can be a key element in social media success. Last year, ranked as the 7th most visited website in the world with 145… Continue reading Social Media Series: How to Leverage Your Twitter Business Account


PR and Marketing Strategies for Luxury Real Estate Brands

Luxury real estate brands are all about creating an impression of exclusivity – both in their clientele and the type of properties they represent. With the luxury housing market thriving, developers and contractors need to take advantage of real estate public relations and marketing strategies to get their prospective buyers and sellers interested in their… Continue reading PR and Marketing Strategies for Luxury Real Estate Brands

What the THO Team is Grateful for This Holiday Season - The Hoyt Organization

Season of Gratitude: What the THO Team is Grateful for This Holiday Season

As the end of the year approaches, we all begin to think about what is most important. We asked The Hoyt Organization team to share what they are most grateful for this holiday season. “I am truly grateful for family… silly. Weird. Crazy. But they all belong to me.” -Leeza Hoyt “I’m grateful for the… Continue reading Season of Gratitude: What the THO Team is Grateful for This Holiday Season