How PR Can Combat Misinformation and Disinformation
Technology is evolving at an increasingly rapid pace. AI is deploying across every aspect of the digital landscape, impacting what information we consume, the way in which it is delivered, and how we interact with the proliferation of sources.
There are many useful ways that we can leverage AI in our daily lives and apply the benefits to the PR industry, the concern is the sharp increase in the spread of misinformation and disinformation, which has the potential to do harm to business reputation.
Misinformation refers to incorrect information, while disinformation is intentionally using fake information. To combat both, there are a few proactive PR steps to take.
3 PR Strategies For Combating Misinformation
Understand How AI Works
AI is developing at a rapid rate, and it is imperative to keep up with its capabilities, and understand how it works, to be able to tackle it head-on. Sometimes, you may even have to use AI itself to do this.
While AI generators have unlimited uses for streamlining processes for research and content generation, they still have gaps in the stored knowledge and sources used. If false information or research about your brand spreads, dig a little deeper into the sources and data cited in the claims, as these will often be false. Be transparent and communicate the correct information with your audience.
Declining Public Trust of News
There has been a significant decline in the public’s trust of traditional forms of news media, whether cable television, newspapers, or online news organizations. Many people are turning to social media to get news updates and information.
While this is not always a bad thing, the danger comes with the ease and accessibility to spread information that is completely false on public platforms. With digital spaces, information moves at the speed of light. It takes mere seconds to hit ‘send’ or ‘post’, and then just minutes for content to spread to the masses through reposts and sharing on different social media platforms.
We are all subject to our bias’s. In order to protect ourselves from being victims of misinformation we need to develop digital literacy skills to identify fake sources and misinformation. PR firms need to constantly monitor online sources to ensure that there is no false information being spread about a client.
Keep a constant eye on the major social media platforms like X, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, but also be aware of some of the less mainstream platforms, like Reddit, Quora, or other forum threads.
An effective PR strategy is to remain informed by using Google alerts that will notify you every time a keyword or phrase is found online. There is usually multiple keywords or phrases that can be used to receive alert notifications for the same topic. Cover all your bases so that nothing slips through the cracks.
Stay Prepared
When monitoring the spread of false information and deepfake content, you always want to be prepared to take action if you do pick up on anything amiss.
Try to anticipate when there may be an increase in narratives around your business, such as the launch of a new product, a big announcement, news updates, etc. This is a good time to increase surveillance of online spaces, as it is likely to be a general discussion of the brand.
As you see things online that might be false, report them immediately. Social media regulation is tricky due to the size and volume of the platform but get ahead of content before it has the chance to go viral and gain traction.
Keep statement templates on hand and ready to go. Your PR team can draw up an action plan for what you need to release if false information or deepfake content is circulating so that you do not waste any time in your counter-narrative strategy, and you can clean up the mess before it spreads too far.
Train your team in AI and deepfake use and detection, and ensure that everyone is updated with the latest technology (it evolves constantly). There is no better way to combat these tools than to have a detailed understanding of how exactly they work, first. This speeds up the process of debunking falsities as soon as they are out there.
Leveraging Your Support Network
It is crucial to have the support of other relevant third parties who can provide defense and endorsement at times of need, to uphold the credibility of your company if it is being subjected to bad publicity due to misinformation or disinformation.
You should always be building this support network so that you have solid relationships in place already before any type of crisis hits.
Final Thoughts
AI-created disinformation and misinformation are developing at a rate that would make anyone dizzy, but that does not mean you cannot stay on top of it and remain prepared to deal with it.
Proactivity is the solution – understand the ins and outs of AI, keep a regular eye on online activity, and have a plan in place to combat any mishaps. A great PR firm, like The Hoyt Organization, can help you with all this and more.