Real Estate Public Relations Residential Brokerage Firms The Hoyt Organization

How The Hoyt Organization Can Assist Residential Brokerage Firms

Reach a Wider Audience with Targeted Public Relations

Exclusive Insight into Industry Strategies and Trends

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Attract People Outside Your Geographical Area

Selling homes to existing clients is one thing, but getting new clients on a regular basis is another venture entirely. Real estate brokers don’t always have time to do some of the public relations heavy lifting necessary to stay competitive.

By hiring an expert PR firm that can guarantee more exposure for your business, you can focus on more important tasks.

If you have big listings that will appeal more to people outside your local geographical area, the Hoyt Organization can help you out. By leveraging social media, traditional publishing outlets, and other advertising avenues, we can get a more diverse pool of clients to come knocking on your door.

Get New Clients

Some residential brokerage firms are struggling to find new clients. The Covid-19 pandemic may cause people to think twice before buying or selling right now. So how can the Hoyt Organization assist you in finding new clients?

The key lies in convincing new clients that your organization is better positioned to meet all their needs.

Our PR experts can help to build your brand to do just that. By communicating with new clients on their level, you are more likely to pique their interest.

What do your client base and potential clients want and need right now at this moment in time? And what is the best way to help them get it? Our experts have years of experience under their belts and can help your residential brokerage firm to figure it out.

Make Sure Your Realtor Events Are Well Attended

As a brokerage firm, you have to make sure that events regarding new launches, events, or listings are well-attended. However, keeping everyone in the loop with what’s going on can sometimes feel like a full-time job.

How can the Hoyt Organization assist with this? We know exactly what media coverage you need and where you will get the most traction.

Furthermore, we can also arrange for photographers and experienced media professionals at each event. This way, you can rest assured that your new listings are getting the best exposure. If more people know about your events, then more people are likely to attend them.

Attract The Right Buyers

Any interest is great for business, right? Well, not always.

If you have a multi-million dollar listing, but you are constantly attracting the wrong buyers, then it’s not exactly a win-win situation.

The Hoyt Organization can help your brokerage firm to cater to the right demographic for each new listing. This means you will actually save on advertising costs because you’re refining your advertising strategy.

Sometimes, it is more about working smarter than working harder. With the Hoyt Organization, we can focus on getting you the right leads, so you can close the deal.

Get More Online Traffic

A lot of the time, a brokerage firm may not garner the attention it deserves simply because people don’t know enough about the company. How can you fix this? By giving people the answers they are already searching for. 

By implementing proper SEO techniques, content marketing, Google ads and other paid marketing techniques, you can increase your online traffic.

Why is this a good thing? Essentially, it means you can give everyone all the information they are looking for in one place. This will not only save your brokerage time but will also allow you to meet people where they are at in their buyer journey so that you can know exactly what they need and when.

Make The Most Of All Communication Opportunities

Whether you need to manage a crisis, or you have a press release to attend, you have to know how to communicate properly and clearly. The Hoyt Organization can help you to stay on top of all your engagements, press releases, and functions.

Knowing what to say is just as important as how you say it. At the Hoyt Organization, we can help you to navigate sensitive situations with ease. We understand that retaining your existing clients can be just as important as getting new ones.

In Conclusion

As a residential brokerage firm, you have a lot on your plate. However, with the Hoyt Organization’s PR expertise, you can focus on what’s important to you.

We specialize in communication and marketing strategies and can help you reach new clientele. If you want to get the exposure that your brokerage firm deserves, don’t hesitate to contact us.

~Leeza Hoyt