What the Tariff and Trade War Means for Real Estate

It has been difficult to ignore the mention of a U.S.-China trade war in the last year and its impacts on real estate. One of the most jarring statements by the U.S. was in decision to increase on tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports in mid-2019. The products affected, which are in List 3 within Section… Continue reading What the Tariff and Trade War Means for Real Estate

How Healthcare Providers Can Communicate With The Community

Healthcare providers have an opportunity today that no other provider, hospital or clinic has had in the past. Today, healthcare providers have the ability to connect with your local communities, communicate about issues impacting those around them and share knowledge in a major way.  When we think of social media management or public relations and… Continue reading How Healthcare Providers Can Communicate With The Community

How to Portray Mental Illness as a Public Relations Professional

According to Mental Health First Aid, almost half of adults in the United States will develop a mental illness in their lifetime. It is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling, mood or behavior. Biological, psychological, and environmental factors influence whether or not mental health concerns will develop.  Up until recently, mental health was not a topic of… Continue reading How to Portray Mental Illness as a Public Relations Professional

Six Tips for Working from Home During COVID-19

For the past couple of weeks, The Hoyt Organization has been working from home in order to curb the spread of COVID-19. While it was an adjustment at first, the THO team has discovered ways to be effective and achieve success for its clients. Keep reading to learn THO’s six tips for working remotely during… Continue reading Six Tips for Working from Home During COVID-19

Five Tips for Leading a Remote Team

Many of us have found ourselves thrown from our offices and daily commutes to managing working life in tandem with Shelter In Place laws. As once bustling offices move to remote work, it can be difficult to bridge the transition smoothly, keep communication up and ensure productivity does not drop. Here are a few tips… Continue reading Five Tips for Leading a Remote Team

COVID-19 Requires PR Professionals to Find a New Way to Work with Reporters

Scott Detrow, Political Correspondent for National Public Radio (NPR) was among many reporters this week who reported that a colleague in the White House Press Corps had tested positive for COVID-19, the result of which would be an effort to reduce the number of onsite reporters at daily White House Press briefings.  The results were palpable in… Continue reading COVID-19 Requires PR Professionals to Find a New Way to Work with Reporters

Communication at the workplace: a global future challenge

Recently I saw an article in a tabloid paper saying people spend 25 years of their life sleeping and 19 years at work. This means the second biggest identifiable span in our lives is spent either working, being at work or thinking about work. A daunting thought. If work consumes so much of our lives,… Continue reading Communication at the workplace: a global future challenge

What is Public Relations?

Even though I’ve worked in this field for more than 30 years, family members and friends still ask me, “What IS public relations?” And with good reason. It’s not an easy industry to define. Webster’s says: “public relations is the business of inducing the public to have understanding for and goodwill toward a person, firm,… Continue reading What is Public Relations?

Five PR trends that will shape 2020

There are supposedly as many trends to watch as experts you ask. There are about 1,000 PR professionals working at member agencies in PRGN. For your convenience, here we present only the five most important trends that will shape the year 2020. 1. Placing results of PR activities into a purchasing funnel PR experts will… Continue reading Five PR trends that will shape 2020

Five ways to destress in a stress-inducing industry

Every industry has stress factors, and public relations isn’t immune to this problem. In fact, public relations is ranked as one of the most stressful industries to work in! This can be attributed to the competitive, creative, deadline driven nature of the work. Here are a few tips on how to make a stressful job… Continue reading Five ways to destress in a stress-inducing industry